EE Advertising is a full service digital and print marketing agency. We combine creative with media and technology to find the digital sweet spots and gaps within your sales funnel and work with you to drive scalable and sustainable growth for your brand.


Targeted Marketing

If you’re looking for a social media targeted marketing campaign, we can offer access to a number of media platforms and a global audience. We have wealth of experience when it comes to targeted marketing and helping you choose the right platform in todays increasingly confusing market.


Broadcast Advertising

Traditional Broadcast advertising is still and incredible tool to use in todays marketing market. From local papers to radio and television slots, we have the know how on how to get you the best coverage and excel your brand to heights that excel your expectations.


Media & Technology

We keep at the forefront of the key technologies and online trends - our solutions integrate with the ever-growing landscape of social networking tools and embrace the interactive. As a result, the websites we create deliver outstanding online presence and proven commercial results.

Brands are visual personalities. They think, speak and have names the same way people do. And that’s how we treat them. Like real people.We interact with them on an emotional and intellectual level. We feed them brand strategies. We define their brand value by the difference they will make in the world.
We dress them up so they go out and set new trends. Our brands are an evolution of our thought process that guides us from the moment we begin sketching – up until we reach the point of execution.

To see what we do in practise head over to our Facebook page with recent content on all projects.